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Biological Oceanography
in a Changing Ocean
Nov 4, 2020
In this fouth edition, the climate emergency takes on special relevance since the effects of climate change and extreme events require immediate action. That is why with Uhinak 2020 we move to act in the face of the climatic emergency.
Javier Aristegui participated in this conference with the following opening keynote lecture: "Ocean-based solutions to remove CO2: a challenge for science and governance".
Investigadores de la ULPGC y el IRD Francés demuestran que el bloom de "microalgas" del verano de 2017 no estuvo asociado a vertidos costeros
ULPGC and French IRD researchers prove that the "microalgae" bloom from 2017 was not associated with untreated sewage outfalls
Oct 27, 2020
El nuevo estudio del Grupo de Oceanografía Biológica de la ULPGC es la fuente de esta noticia: "Untreated sewage outfalls do not promote Trichodesmium blooms in the coasts of the Canary Islands".
The new study of the Biological Oceanography Group at ULPGC "Untreated sewage outfalls do not promote Trichodesmium blooms in the coasts of the Canary Islands" is the source of this information.
Jornadas online MACCLIMA 'Emergencia climática en la Macaronesia'
Online conference MACCLIMA 'Climate emergency in the Macaronesia'
Jun 8, 2020
Coincidiendo con la celebración del Día Mundial de los Océanos, el Catedrático de Ecología Javier Arístegui Ruiz imparte la charla: “Soluciones basadas en el océano para remover CO2”.
Coinciding with the celebration of the World Oceans Day, the Ecology Professor Javier Aristegui Ruiz participates with the talk: "Solutions for removing CO2 based in the ocean" (full talk in Spanish).
El cambio climático: más silencioso pero más letal que el Covid-19
Climate change: unnoticed but more lethal than COvid-19
Mar 27, 2020
Javier Arístegui y otros investigadores debaten sobre los retos medioambientales y económicos a los que se enfrenta el Archipiélago.
Javier Aristegui and other colleagues discuss about the environmental and economic challenges present in the Archipelago (full interview in Spanish).
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